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Something has gone wrong with the internet. Even Mark Zuckerberg knows it., the Facebook CEO ticked off a list of everything his platform has screwed up, from fake news and foreign meddling in the 2016 election to hate speech. “We didn’t take a broad enough view of our responsibility,” he confessed. Then he added the words that everyone was waiting for: “I’m sorry.” There have always been outsiders who criticized the tech industry — even if their concerns have been drowned out by the oohs and aahs of consumers, investors, and journalists. But today, the most dire warnings are coming from the heart of Silicon Valley itself.

  1. Was Kann Ich Bei Technischen Problemen Mit Bitdefender For Mac Download
  2. Was Kann Ich Bei Technischen Problemen Mit Bitdefender For Mac 2017

The man who oversaw the creation of the original iPhone believes the device he helped build is too addictive. The inventor of the World Wide Web fears his creation is being “weaponized.” Even Sean Parker, Facebook’s first president, has blasted social media as a dangerous form of psychological manipulation.

“God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” he lamented recently. To understand what went wrong — how the Silicon Valley dream of building a networked utopia turned into a globalized strip-mall casino overrun by pop-up ads and cyberbullies and Vladimir Putin — we spoke to more than a dozen architects of our digital present. If the tech industry likes to assume the trappings of a religion, complete with a quasi-messianic story of progress, the Church of Tech is now giving rise to a new sect of apostates, feverishly confessing their own sins. And the internet’s original sin, as these programmers and investors and CEOs make clear, was its business model. To keep the internet free — while becoming richer, faster, than anyone in history — the technological elite needed something to attract billions of users to the ads they were selling. And that something, it turns out, was outrage.

As Jaron Lanier, a pioneer in virtual reality, points out, anger is the emotion most effective at driving “engagement” — which also makes it, in a market for attention, the most profitable one. By creating a self-perpetuating loop of shock and recrimination, social media further polarized what had already seemed, during the Obama years, an impossibly and irredeemably polarized country. The advertising model of the internet was different from anything that came before. Whatever you might say about broadcast advertising, it drew you into a kind of community, even if it was a community of consumers.

The culture of the social-media era, by contrast, doesn’t draw you anywhere. It meets you exactly where you are, with your preferences and prejudices — at least as best as an algorithm can intuit them. “Microtargeting” is nothing more than a fancy term for social atomization — a business logic that promises community while promoting its opposite.

Related Stories. Why, over the past year, has begun to regret the foundational elements of its own success?

The obvious answer is November 8, 2016. For all that he represented a contravention of its lofty ideals, Donald Trump was elected, in no small part, by the internet itself.

Twitter served as his unprecedented direct-mail-style megaphone, Google helped pro-Trump forces target users most susceptible to crass Islamophobia, the digital clubhouses of Reddit and 4chan served as breeding grounds for, and Facebook became the weapon of choice for Russian trolls and data-scrapers like. Instead of producing a techno-utopia, the internet suddenly seemed as much a threat to its creator class as it had previously been their herald. What we’re left with are increasingly divided populations of resentful users, now joined in their collective outrage by Silicon Valley visionaries no longer in control of the platforms they built. The unregulated, quasi-autonomous, imperial scale of the big tech companies multiplies any rational fears about them — and also makes it harder to figure out an effective remedy. Could a subscription model reorient the internet’s incentives, valuing user experience over ad-driven outrage? Could smart regulations provide greater data security?

Or should we break up these new monopolies entirely in the hope that fostering more competition would give consumers more options? Silicon Valley, it turns out, won’t save the world. But those who built the internet have provided us with a clear and disturbing account of why everything went so wrong — how the technology they created has been used to undermine the very aspects of a free society that made that technology possible in the first place. — Max Read and David Wallace-Wells. (In order of appearance.), virtual-reality pioneer. Founded first company to sell VR goggles; worked at Atari and Microsoft., ad-tech entrepreneur.

Helped create Facebook’s ad machine., former CEO of Reddit. Filed major gender-discrimination lawsuit against VC firm Kleiner Perkins. Can Duruk, programmer and tech writer. Served as project lead at Uber., Facebook employee No. Served as Mark Zuckerberg’s speechwriter.

Tristan Harris, product designer. Wrote internal Google presentation about addictive and unethical design. Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka, entrepreneur who founded influential message board Something Awful., MIT media scholar.

Invented the pop-up ad., former product chief at Reddit. Founded community-based platform Imzy., product manager at Uber. Ran privacy compliance for Facebook apps. Guillaume Chaslot, AI researcher. Helped develop YouTube’s algorithmic recommendation system., VC investor. Introduced Mark Zuckerberg to Sheryl Sandberg., MIT programmer. Created legendary software GNU and Emacs.

How It Went Wrong, in 15 Steps. Lanier: We wanted everything to be free, because we were hippie socialists. But we also loved entrepreneurs, because we loved Steve Jobs.

So you want to be both a socialist and a libertarian at the same time, which is absurd. Tristan Harris: It’s less and less about the things that got many of the technologists I know into this industry in the first place, which was to create “bicycles for our mind,” as Steve Jobs used to say. It became this kind of puppet-master effect, where all of these products are puppet-mastering all these different users. That was really bad.

Lanier: We disrupted absolutely everything: politics, finance, education, media, family relationships, romantic relationships. We won — we just totally won. But having won, we have no sense of balance or modesty or graciousness. We’re still acting as if we’re in trouble and we have to defend ourselves. So we kind of turned into assholes, you know? Rich Kyanka: Social media was supposed to be about, “Hey, Grandma. How are you?” Now it’s like, “Oh my God, did you see what she wore yesterday?

What a fucking cow that bitch is.” Everything is toxic — and that has to do with the internet itself. It was founded to connect people all over the world. But now you can meet people all over the world and then murder them in virtual reality and rape their pets.

Kyanka: Around 2000, after the dot-com bust, people were trying as hard as they could to recoup money through ads. So they wanted more people on their platforms. They didn’t care if people were crappy. They didn’t care if the people were good.

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They just wanted more bodies with different IP addresses loading up ads. Harris: There was pressure from venture capital to grow really, really quickly.

There’s a graph showing how many years it took different companies to get to 100 million users. It used to take ten years, but now you can do it in six months. So if you’re competing with other start-ups for funding, it depends on your ability to grow usage very quickly. Everyone in the tech industry is in denial. We think we’re making the world more open and connected, when in fact the game is just: How do I drive lots of engagement? Dan McComas: The incentive structure is simply growth at all costs. I can tell you that from the inside, the board never asks about revenue.

They honestly don’t care, and they said as much. They’re only asking about growth. When I was at Reddit, there was never a conversation at any board meeting about the users, or things that were going on that were bad, or potential dangers. Pao: Reddit, when I was there, was about growth at all costs. McComas: The classic comment that would come up in every board meeting was “Why aren’t you growing faster?” We’d say, “Well, we’ve grown by 40 million visitors since the last board meeting.” And the response was “That’s slower than the internet is growing — that’s not enough. You have to grow more.” Ultimately, that’s why Ellen and I were let go.

Pao: When you look at how much money Facebook and Google and YouTube print every day, it’s all about building the user base. Building engagement was important, and they didn’t care about the nature of engagement.

Or maybe they did, but in a bad way. The more people who got angry on those sites — Reddit especially — the more engagement you would get. Harris: If you’re YouTube, you want people to register as many accounts as possible, uploading as many videos as possible, driving as many views to those videos as possible, so you can generate lots of activity that you can sell to advertisers. So whether or not the users are real human beings or Russian bots, whether or not the videos are real or conspiracy theories or disturbing content aimed at kids, you don’t really care. You’re just trying to drive engagement to the stuff and maximize all that activity. So everything stems from this engagement-based business model that incentivizes the most mindless things that harm the fabric of society.

Lanier: What started out as advertising morphed into continuous behavior modification on a mass basis, with everyone under surveillance by their devices and receiving calculated stimulus to modify them. It’s a horrible thing that was foreseen by science-fiction writers. It’s straight out of Philip K. Dick or 1984. And despite all the warnings, we just walked right into it and created mass behavior-modification regimes out of our digital networks. We did it out of this desire to be both cool socialists and cool libertarians at the same time.

Zuckerman: As soon as you’re saying “I need to put you under surveillance so I can figure out what you want and meet your needs better,” you really have to ask yourself the questions “Am I in the right business? Am I doing this the right way?” Kyanka: It’s really sad, because you have hundreds and hundreds of bigwig, smarty-pants guys at all these analytic firms, and they’re trying to drill down into the numbers and figure out what kind of goods and products people want. But they only care about the metrics. They say, “Well, this person is really interested in AR-15s.

He buys ammunition in bulk. He really likes Alex Jones. He likes surveying hotels for the best vantage points.” They look at that and they say, “Let’s serve him these ads. This is how we’re going to make our money.” And they don’t care beyond that. Harris: We cannot afford the advertising business model.

The price of free is actually too high. It is literally destroying our society, because it incentivizes automated systems that have these inherent flaws. Cambridge Analytica is the easiest way of explaining why that’s true. Because that wasn’t an abuse by a bad actor — that was the inherent platform. The problem with Facebook is Facebook. Sandy Parakilas: One of the core things going on is that they have incentives to get people to use their service as much as they possibly can, so that has driven them to create a product that is built to be addictive. To capture as much of your attention as possible without any regard for the consequences.

Tech addiction has a negative impact on your health and on your children’s health. It enables bad actors to do new bad things, from electoral meddling to sex trafficking. It increases narcissism and people’s desire to be famous on Instagram. And all of those consequences ladder up to the business model of getting people to use the product as much as possible through addictive, intentional-design tactics, and then monetizing their users’ attention through advertising.

Harris: I had friends who worked at Zynga, and it was the same thing. Not how do we build games that are great for people, or that people really love, but how do we manipulate people into spending money on and creating false social obligations so your friend will plant corn on your farm? Zynga was a weed that grew through Facebook.

Losse: In a way, Zynga was too successful at this. They were making so much money that they were hacking the whole concept of Facebook as a social platform. The problem with those games is they weren’t really that social. You put money into the game, and then you took care of your fish or your farm or whatever it was.

You spent a lot of time on Facebook, and people were getting addicted to it. Guillaume Chaslot: The way will have a huge impact on the type of content you see. For instance, if the AI favors engagement, like on Facebook and YouTube, it will incentivize divisive content, because divisive content is very efficient to keep people online. If the metric you try to optimize is likes, or the little arcs on Facebook, then the type of content people will see and share will be very different. Roger McNamee: If you parse what Unilever said about Facebook when they threatened to pull their ads, their message was “Guys, your platform’s too good. You’re basically harming our customers. Because you’re manipulating what they think.

And more importantly, you’re manipulating what they feel. You’re causing so much outrage that they become addicted to outrage.” The dopamine you get from outrage is just so addictive. Harris: That blue Facebook icon on your home screen is really good at creating unconscious habits that people have a hard time extinguishing. People don’t see the way that their minds are being manipulated by addiction. Facebook has become the largest civilization-scale mind-control machine that the world has ever seen. Chaslot: Tristan was one of the first people to start talking about the problem of this kind of thinking. Harris: I warned about it at Google at the very beginning of 2013.

I made that famous slide deck that spread virally throughout the company to 20,000 people. It was called “A Call to Minimize Distraction & Respect Users’ Attention.” It said the tech industry is creating the largest political actor in the world, influencing a billion people’s attention and thoughts every day, and we have a moral responsibility to steer people’s thoughts ethically. It went all the way up to Larry Page, who had three separate meetings that day where people brought it up.

And to Google’s credit, I didn’t get fired. I was supported to do research on the topic for three years. But at the end of the day, what are you going to do? Knock on YouTube’s door and say, “Hey, guys, reduce the amount of time people spend on YouTube. You’re interrupting people’s sleep and making them forget the rest of their life”? You can’t do that, because that’s their business model.

So nobody at Google specifically said, “We can’t do this — it would eat into our business model.” It’s just that the incentive at a place like YouTube is specifically to keep people hooked. Step 6 At first, it worked — almost too well. None of the companies hid their plans or lied about how their money was made. But as users became deeply enmeshed in the increasingly addictive web of surveillance, the leading digital platforms became wildly popular.

Pao: There’s this idea that, “Yes, they can use this information to manipulate other people, but I’m not gonna fall for that, so I’m protected from being manipulated.” Slowly, over time, you become addicted to the interactions, so it’s hard to opt out. And they just keep taking more and more of your time and pushing more and more fake news. It becomes easy just to go about your life and assume that things are being taken care of. Related Stories. Step 8 Even as social networks became dangerous and toxic.

With companies scaling at unprecedented rates, user security took a backseat to growth and engagement. Resources went to selling ads, not protecting users from abuse.

Lanier: Every time there’s some movement like Black Lives Matter or #MeToo, you have this initial period where people feel like they’re on this magic-carpet ride. Social media is letting them reach people and organize faster than ever before. They’re thinking, Wow, Facebook and Twitter are these wonderful tools of democracy. But it turns out that the same data that creates a positive, constructive process like the Arab Spring can be used to irritate other groups. So every time you have a Black Lives Matter, social media responds by empowering neo-Nazis and racists in a way that hasn’t been seen in generations. The original good intention winds up empowering its opposite. Parakilas: During my time at Facebook, I thought over and over again that they allocated resources in a way that implied they were almost entirely focused on growth and monetization at the expense of user protection.

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The way you can understand how a company thinks about what its key priorities are is by looking at where they allocate engineering resources. At Facebook, I was told repeatedly, “Oh, you know, we have to make sure that X, Y, or Z doesn’t happen.” But I had no engineers to do that, so I had to think creatively about how we could solve problems around abuse that was happening without any engineers. Whereas teams that were building features around advertising and user growth had a large number of engineers. Chaslot: As an engineer at Google, I would see something weird and propose a solution to management. But just noticing the problem was hurting the business model. So they would say, “Okay, but is it really a problem?” They trust the structure. For instance, I saw this conspiracy theory that was spreading.

It’s really large — I think the algorithm may have gone crazy. But I was told, “Don’t worry — we have the best people working on it. It should be fine.” Then they conclude that people are just stupid. They don’t want to believe that the problem might be due to the algorithm. Parakilas: One time a developer who had access to Facebook’s data was accused of creating profiles of people without their consent, including children.

But when we heard about it, we had no way of proving whether it had actually happened, because we had no visibility into the data once it left Facebook’s servers. So Facebook had policies against things like this, but it gave us no ability to see what developers were actually doing.

The GLC-SX-MMD= is a Cisco 1000BASE-SX small form-factor pluggable (SFP) Gigabit Ethernet transceiver. This hot-swappable input/output device plugs into a Gigabit Ethernet port or slot and allows the port to be linked with the network via multimode optical fiber. This donation provides a single transceiver module, part number GLC-SX-MMD=, without any additional equipment. Benefits for Organizations If you have experience with fiber optic networks or hire a consultant, you can use this transceiver in combination with other networking equipment to implement a local area network (LAN) fiber optic backbone for your organization.

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Fiber optic cabling provides greater bandwidth than traditional copper cabling. Major Capabilities This model operates on ordinary multimode fiber-optic (MMF) link spans of up to 550 meters in length and on 62.5-micrometer FDDI-grade multimode fibers up to 220 meters. Is available on the Cisco website. Support Cisco will provide five years of hardware and software service and support ('SMARTnet') for this product. Obtaining This Product Stifter-helfen might request additional information to verify that your organization matches the Cisco philanthropy guidelines. When your request has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email from Stifter-helfen. Your product will be delivered within eight weeks.

For details, see. The GLC-LH-SMD= is a Cisco 1000BASE-LX/LH small form-factor pluggable (SFP) Gigabit Ethernet transceiver. This hot-swappable input/output device plugs into a Gigabit Ethernet port or slot and allows the port to be linked with the network via single-mode or multimode optical fiber.

This donation provides a single transceiver module, part number GLC-LH-SMD=, without any additional equipment. Benefits for Organizations If you have experience with fiber optic networks or hire a consultant, you can use this transceiver in combination with other networking equipment to implement a local area network (LAN) fiber optic backbone for your organization. Fiber optic cabling provides greater bandwidth than traditional copper cabling. Major Capabilities This model operates on standard single-mode fiber-optic link spans up to 10 km and spans up to 550 m on any multimode fibers. When used over multimode fiber, the transmitter should be coupled through a mode conditioning patch cable. Is available on the Cisco website.

Support Cisco will provide five years of hardware and software service and support ('SMARTnet') for this product. Obtaining This Product Stifter-helfen might request additional information to verify that your organization matches the Cisco philanthropy guidelines. When your request has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email from Stifter-helfen. Your product will be delivered within eight weeks. For details, see. The AIR-CONCAB1200= is a standard nine-pin female DB-9 to RJ-45 serial cable. It can be used between the RJ-45 serial console port on certain Cisco Aironet access points or wireless controllers and the COM port on a computer.

This connection is necessary for setting the access point's IP address when there is no Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server in the network. It is also needed when there is no wired connection between the access point and the LAN. This donation provides a single cable, part number AIR-CONCAB1200=, without any additional equipment. Obtaining This Product Stifter-helfen might request additional information to verify that your organization matches the Cisco philanthropy guidelines. When your request has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email from Stifter-helfen. Your product will be delivered within eight weeks.


For details, see. The C891F-K9 is one of the 890 Series of integrated services routers. It can provide Internet access, security, voice services, Metro Ethernet support, and advanced IP services for up to 50 users. It accepts both 1,000-Mbps Gigabit Ethernet and 10/100-Mbps Fast Ethernet connections. The router also includes a backup V.92 analog modem interface and ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) if the primary Ethernet-access WAN is disconnected. Benefits for Organizations This router can connect an organization's remote offices and teleworkers to a secure virtual private network (VPN).

Major Capabilities. Configuration tools: The web-based Cisco Configuration Professional configuration tool simplifies deployment, management, and troubleshooting through smart wizards and task-based tutorials. The tool requires no knowledge of the included Cisco IOS software's command-line interface. With Virtual LAN (VLAN) support, you can move computers to another location without reconfiguring them. Wired LAN connectivity: The eight-port 10/100-Mbps Fast Ethernet managed switch provides connections for multiple devices. It has the ability to designate a port as the network demilitarized zone (DMZ).

Security features: The router provides comprehensive security through an intrusion prevention system (IPS) firewall and a stateful packet inspection (SPI) firewall. It also provides dynamic routing and advanced quality of service (QoS) features. Remote access: The router provides 50 IPsec VPN tunnels. There is no hardware support for SSL VPN connections. However, organizations can request software-based SSL VPN licenses through to support a maximum of 25 SSL VPN users. Advanced IP services: Advanced IP services include support for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), allowing for IPv6 multicast, addressing architecture, name resolution, statistics, translation, DHCP, and IPsec over IPv6 connections.

Metro Ethernet support:The 890 series routers' two onboard WAN interfaces, one Gigabit Ethernet WAN port and one Fast Ethernet WAN port, support the high-bandwidth demands of Metro Ethernet deployments. Is available on the Cisco website. Support Cisco will provide five years of hardware and software service and support ('SMARTnet') for this product. Obtaining Your Product Stifter-helfen might request additional information to verify that your organization matches the Cisco philanthropy guidelines. When Stifter-helfen approves your request, you will receive a confirmation email from Stifter-helfen. Cisco will deliver your product within eight weeks.

Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security is software that protects networked laptops, desktops, servers, and virtual machines from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, rootkits, and other threats. Network protection is managed through a central console. This donation provides a one-year GravityZone Business Security subscription for up to 50 devices. Of these devices, 15 can be servers or Linux machines. The product will cease to function entirely after one year unless the subscription is renewed. Benefits for Organizations If you have experience with network administration, you can use Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security to reduce resource costs and centrally manage protection for your organization's network. Major Capabilities.

Management console: The console, or Control Center, is deployed as an appliance that runs in a virtualized environment. Control Center provides full visibility into the organization's overall security posture, insight into global security threats, and control over its security services.

When you activate the product, you choose one of two types of console. Cloud: Bitdefender hosts this console, and the administrator connects to it with a web browser. On-premises: You deploy this console as an appliance that runs in a virtualized environment in your organization's own infrastructure. You should choose this type only if you have experience with virtualized environments. Antivirus and antispyware: Security scanners can detect and clean viruses and quarantine viruses, spyware, adware, Trojans, and rootkits on all endpoints and servers. Behavior-based protection: Security for Endpoints stops emerging threats by analyzing the behavior of a given program or process in a virtual environment before it is executed. If it is deemed safe to run, Bitdefender continues to analyze the process while it's running to identify likely threats that have not yet been reported.

Desktop firewall (Windows workstations only): The firewall prevents unauthorized users from accessing users' computers when roaming or working remotely using unsecured networks. Configuration settings include Internet blocking and access by IP address, application, port, or protocol to protect against inbound and outbound threats. Content control (Windows workstations only): Content control allows administrators to define traffic scan options and schedule web access while blocking or allowing certain web categories or URLs. They can also configure data protection rules and define permissions for the use of specific applications. Device control (Windows desktop and server operating systems only): Device control applies security policies to devices attached to endpoints.

It prevents data leakage and malware infections that can result from using USB flash drives, Bluetooth devices, CD or DVD players, storage devices, and so on. Additional Users You cannot add more users once you have installed this product on your network. If your organization requires more than 50 users on a single network, please. Existing Subscribers Current subscribers to GravityZone Business Security or Bitdefender Small Office Security can use this donation to add another year of protection. Small Office Security users will need to upgrade to GravityZone. After the upgrade, only 15 of the protected devices can be servers or Linux machines. Choose Carefully The administrative fee for this product is not refundable, and the product cannot be exchanged.

Please be sure that you have requested a subscription that will cover all the users on your network. Obtaining This Product When Stifter-helfen approves your donation request, we will send a message to your organization email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product. Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac is security software that protects Macs from viruses and other online threats.

This donation provides a subscription for use of the product on three computers for one year. The year of service for all three computers begins when you activate the product on the first computer. The subscription includes protection updates and new product features.

The product will cease to function entirely after one year unless the subscription is renewed. Benefits for Organizations You can use Bitdefender Antivirus to:. Protect your organization's data from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, botnets, rootkits, adware and spyware. Reduce system administration costs by keeping your computers running smoothly Major Capabilities. Phishing defense: Antivirus for Mac analyzes and blocks websites that support scams or credit card phishing attempts. Protection against Mac and PC malware: Antivirus for Mac also removes malware that target Windows computers so that infected files won't be passed on. File quarantine: Antivirus for Mac immediately isolates infected or suspected files before investigating them in the Bitdefender Antivirus Lab.

Choose Carefully The product cannot be exchanged. Obtaining This Product When your donation request has been approved, Stifter-helfen will send a message to your organization email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product. Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac is security software that protects Macs from viruses and other online threats. This donation provides a subscription for use of the product on one computer for one year.

The subscription includes protection updates and new product features. The product will cease to function entirely after one year unless the subscription is renewed. Benefits for Organizations You can use Bitdefender Antivirus to:. Protect your organization's data from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, botnets, rootkits, adware, and spyware. Reduce system administration costs by keeping your computers running smoothly Major Capabilities. Phishing defense: Antivirus for Mac analyzes and blocks websites that support scams or credit card phishing attempts.

Protection against Mac and PC malware: Antivirus for Mac also removes malware that target Windows computers so that infected files won't be passed on. File quarantine: Antivirus for Mac immediately isolates infected or suspected files before investigating them in the Bitdefender Antivirus Lab. Choose Carefully The product cannot be exchanged. Obtaining This Product When your donation request has been approved, Stifter-helfen will send a message to your organization email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product. The Cisco Aironet 2500 Series 5 Access Point Adder License (part numbers LIC-CT2504-UPG and LIC-CT2504-5A) enables the Cisco Aironet 2500 Series Wireless LAN Controller (part number AIR- CT2504-5-K9) to support connections with five additional access points. Adder licenses are stackable, meaning multiple adder licenses can be applied to one wireless LAN controller.

The Cisco Aironet 2500 Series Wireless LAN Controller (part number AIR- CT2504-5-K9) supports a maximum of 50 access points. This adder license does not increase the maximum number of access points a wireless LAN controller supports. About this product is available on the Cisco website. Product Service and Support Cisco will provide five years of hardware and software service and support ('SMARTnet') for any product or product bundle obtained through this donation program.

Obtaining Your Licenses Cisco donation processing takes 6 to 8 weeks upon approval. After your request is processed, you will receive a product authorization key (PAK) through standard mail. You will be directed to enter this key and your router serial number on the Cisco website, which will provide you with an activation key. Entering this key through your router's command-line interface will activate your licenses. Choose Carefully The administrative fee for this product is not refundable, and the product cannot be exchanged.