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Blender 2.57a (32-bit Download For Mac

Blender is an integrated application that enables the creation of a broad range of 2D and 3D content. Blender provides a broad spectrum of modeling, texturing, lighting, animation and video post-processing functionality in one package. Through it's open architecture, Blender provides cross-platform interoperability, extensibility, an incredibly small footprint, and a tightly integrated workflow.

Blender is one of the most popular Open Source 3D graphics application in the world.

The Blender Foundation has just officially released Blender 2.57. This version is a milestone, as it's the first so called 'stable' release of the new Blender 2.5 series. The Blender Foundation writes: The Blender Foundation and online developer community is proud to present Blender 2.57. This is the first stable release of the Blender 2.5 series, representing the culmination of many years of redesign and development work.

We name this version 'Stable' not only because it's mostly feature complete, but especially thanks to the 1000s of fixes and feature updates we did since the 2.5 beta versions were published. The next 2 months we will keep working on finishing a couple of left-over 2.5 targets and we expect to get feedback and bug reports from users to handle as well. If all goes well, the 2.58 version then can be the final release of the 2.5 series, with a massive amount of new projects to be added for an exciting cycle of 2.6x versions. Target is to release updates every 2 months this year. Congratulations, everyone! And, oh yeah, it has to be said: ugliest splash screen ever!:) Links. The only thing I don't particularly like in the splash is the background, I somehow prefer the original version with a black background that was presented on the contest.

Besides that I consider it a great idea, it's impossible go wrong with a smiley chameleon with blender colors. It's like if the blender logo as morphed in a chameleon and it actually displays allot of blender features. I'm impressed! Congratulations!;) And congratulations to everyone that worked all this years to deliver everyone such a mesmerizing powerful package (not exaggerating nor Fan.gerating). Fells good working completely legal;) Thank you very much blender developers! I tried the Fcurve fix option under help and received the following: location:: -1 SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing DataPathBuilder(tuple). File', line 1 datapathbuilder = eval('DataPathBuilder(tuple).'

+ datapath) File 'C: BLENDE1.57- 2.57 scripts modules', line 132, in findpathnew datapathnew = findpathnew(animdatabase, datapath, rnaupdatedict, rnaupdatefrommap) File 'C: BLENDE1.57- 2.57 scripts modules', line 210, in updatedatapaths animsysrefactor.updatedatapaths(datapathupdate) File 'C: BLENDE1.57- 2.57 scripts modules', line 698, in execute Traceback (most recent call last): Also one of my game engine files is running at less than 1 fps and has no python errors, works perfect in 2.56. Long have we awaited this glorous day! Celebrate all devs for your huge coding achievements! Celebrate all users for the kick ass that we can now download and drool upon! Celebrate all who shall see the awesome works of art that we shall create with this.

Right after we all form a lynch mob and burn that splash screen, kicking and screaming down to the very depths of Hades, itself. Seriously, there were at least half a dozen entries that were far better than this. Great job everyone. Spread the word, and with a bit of luck we'll get a new splash in 2.57a. One minor thingy: On previous versions when I wanted to scale and move something the cursor could move past the screen and come in from the other side (hope it makes sense) letting me move and scale infinitely. Now when I'm trying the same thing, cursor gets stuck on the screen side stopping the scale/move by not going any further. Why has that changed and is there a way to fix/adjust it on the user pref?

Had my first crash today too. It happened when I changed a material in an object that was part of an object group. Group was used for a hair particle simulation (i.e. I'm making a grass & flowers scene). I changed the material in one of the flowers and when I tried to render again Blender crashed.

I would like to thank -again- the BF and the devoted coders and artists from around the world that made this awesome 3D suite possible! Greetings from Greece! Hello, Whenever I try to edit 3d Text Blender 2.57 Shuts down. Firstly let me say a huge thanks to the Devs and Ton for the job they are doing. I've checked the list of things they fixed for this realease.

Really impressive. I'm pretty sure that the whole community is really grateful for your efforts. I'll be using the 2.5 series a bit more now and hoping that the ongoing developpement goes well. With that stable realease, I do hope that software like Yafaray, Ogre 3d and others are going to be added to the list of addon with less diffuculties.

I wish you guys all the best for what you are planning for us in the future. A little request from my part. Pretty sure that the 2.5 series and in the future 2.6 have and will have impressive features. If the documentation to those features could be made that would change my life. A brief explanation and if possible an example.

I know that its a huge job too. But I admit that sometimes I a bit lost trying to do new things. @ the Blender Dev's: Thank you VERY much for your hard work and dedication. 2.57 is a joy to use. @ the splash screen haters: User prefs interface tab lower right uncheck 'show splash' if you don't want to look at the splash screen. @gab (& others) When did the comments section of a release announcement become the place to report bugs/crashes? When did the Blender dev's obtain the mind reading skills to discern the source of your crash using what little info you give them?

'I get a crash.' And 'Is it my notebook?' Is hardly what I call standard troubleshooting info. I guess they need to figure out what type of system, and what OS you're using by osmosis or 'spidy-sense'. The people who are telling the splash screen haters to stop complaining and just turn it off are failing to understand that it's not necessarily a personal dislike of the chameleon image that is the primary concern. Blender has long been trying to improve its reputation amongst the users of other 3D apps such as Max/Maya/Softimage/Modo/Lightwave/etc. And so, one of the main reasons for the 2.5 overhaul was to make Blender's UI and work flow acceptable to them.

But when those users hear that Blender is now ready to be taken seriously with version 2.5, and they take the time to try it, the first thing they will see is an image that will confirm their prejudice and help to convince them that Blender is still not up to professional standards. A brand's image is influential and first impressions make a big difference. I already love Blender and I'm well aware of its power as a tool for creating professional quality work.

Blender 2.57a (32-bit Download For Mac

But it's not existing users like me who need convincing. Blender has advanced greatly, but this latest splash screen image is a sad step backward when compared to the better ones from previous versions. PS: Many many thanks to the developers. Your hard work and generosity is greatly appreciated. Again, thanks sooooo much to the developers and the community.

About the SPLASH screen, it not to bad, BUT wasn't there supposed to be a contest for the new Splash screen just a few weeks ago???? What happen to that project? Again just a question. This splash isn't to bad anyway. A little question to you pros out there, I've been using blender for a few years, but not intensively, and I just downloaded the HOT new and Stable 2.57 release to give it a try, but when I went to create a basic fluid sim, it wasn't working. And then a short of pre-made fluid anim started animating, and yes I deleted my previous cache/tmp folder, I actually deleted the Blender folder actually before installing that new Hot release.

Just was wondering what is going on there. I'm I doing something wrong. I look around a bit and found that the Rc version before this release had a similar bug, but supposedly got fixed.? Than in advance to anyone that could help. Again, great work and a BIG thank you to all:-). A new blender is super cool! But Why they chose the worst image they could get.

Seriously isn´t there a way to customize my blender to get rid of that weird, unrealistic, amateur image, PLEASE. I saw the thread to participate in and they had at least 30 EXCELLENT IMAGES to choose from and they put this s.stuff man! Do you know a blind guy shouldn´t do this job. For example, the one that had the hexagons was superb, also the wolkswagen one, just to mention a few. REally, I don´t want to whine about these things, but MAN!

This one will degrade how the people outside blender see the quality of this grat program. PLEASE change that image for one more well composed, color schemed and better rendered or at least add a way to change the splashscreen ourselves to brag comfortably about the application we love. Please be serious about the selection. And I remark I´m not complaining about the artist, I´m sure he/she tried his/her best to get a really good picture but sorry it´s not good enough. Also I don´t know which where the topics they considered to select this image either.

Blender 2.57a (32-bit Download For Mac Pc

But I thik this one was not good enough. Not to be rude or something but I glanced at the image and a second after I yawned Well after all that trash I trew, I want to say the RC2 is coming great so I think this one will come just fine as spected in all the topics. Anyway great work programers, sorry for that 'splashed screen'. I agree with Jon's comments above - the splash screen might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of Blender, the application. But the chameleon image looks crude and unfinished to me, poking me in the eye for all the wrong reasons. It still says little about Blender's wide feature set.

Blender 2.57a (32-bit Download For Mac Mac

Please can one of those skilled Sintel artists just throw something together in 10 minutes (it's bound to be better than the chameleon!) - or can we have all splash screen submissions put on a web page with a vote taken from users? @Ran13: Thanks for telling us how to turn it off. Now tell us of how to get rid of that dull splash (more like Crashing in boredom and amateurness into your face!) screen and replace it with any image I choose, that would be nice.:-) Also as @ Jon wrote above, and I quote: 'The people who are telling the splash screen haters to stop complaining and just turn it off are failing to understand that it’s not necessarily a personal dislike of the chameleon image that is the primary concern. Blender has long been trying to improve its reputation amongst the users of other 3D apps.' Look at the other apps splash screens they all look taken from a movie or an automobile comercial this one seems taken from a amateur student of animation. (Sorry to the authir, no harm meant:-)) Yeah @Jessy Why? Why they do this things to hurt the app reputation I don´t know maybe they have a brain virus.

@rogper: 'it’s impossible go wrong with a smiley chameleon with blender colors ' Man blender is known for making the impossible posibble, so sad they got it so horribly wrong this time. 'it’s like if the blender logo as morphed in a chameleon and it actually displays allot of blender features.' Where do you see the mischivious chamelion in an orange and blue eye? And also you should know the motto of designers. Professional designers: less is more.

Meaning dont smash everything in ONE image it will be oversaturated. And noone does it! So don´t cramp all the features blender have to offer, only show the ones needed with elegance and style and that´s it, a great image is born.

@Roofoo: I enter the bet. After this It´s obvious they will have to make up to the blender community, at least with the splsh screen complaint. But I don´t get to understand why they write in the roadmap the next step is just to wrap it up, there is sooooooo much room for improvement,:-) A lot of missing tools. I´m not rushed to see it done, only if that mean they take they time to improve it to really get their goals achived. And to the haters of screen splash haters, man don´t hate:-P;-P live happily and trying to correct what is wrong. Like this splash screen.:-P But seriously how can I customize the splash screen and the materials preview character for any other image/model. Nice day everybody!!

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A one more thing @the guy who complaint for us putting our bug report here: Have you ever tryed to report a bug? Is so incredibly complex!

And what you want to do is to make sure they are aware of that error you encountered. Is like man I have to stand in line fill countless forms wait for confirmation just to buy a taco. Then you say Man I´m outta here. Obviouslysomeone realted to the blender foundation must watch these posts, and is easier just to post your bug report here than going to a whole process in the bug tracker. Suggestion: Well more than a suggestion iis a question. Isn´t there possible to the blender crew to add a bug report as almost any other app has?

Thanks Nice day people. NICE DAY!!.-). Thank God for Blender.Thanks Blender developers.Thanks Blender contributors!!! STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY: With both the 32bit and 64bit version of blender installed, how can I tell (from within blender) which version I'm actually running. The splash screen for blender 2.57 doesn't say '64bit' or '32bit', and the user preferences that I've set are appearing in both the 32 and 64 bit versions. I finally got LuxRenderer up and running and I just want to know that I've actually got it working in both the 32 and 64 bit version of blender2.57.