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Usb Xtaf Xplorer Download For Mac

Hello everyone, It’s now 2018, and around 8 years since this website launched. It’s pretty amazing that every day, there are hundreds of people from all over the world visiting the site and downloading FATXplorer.

  1. Usb Xplorer
  2. Usb Xtaf Xplorer Download For Mac Windows 10
  3. Usb Xplorer 360 Download

Even though the Xbox 360 has basically been fully superseded by the Xbox One, interest in FATXplorer remains high. Even more interesting is the huge demand for original Xbox support. This is just a quick post to clarify that FATXplorer is not dead. There haven’t been many updates recently simply because no significant issues have been reported.

The current version is rock solid. Original Xbox support is still coming. There is no set date, but there will be a beta. A lot of people are already on the list to be notified about it.

If you want to be added, feel free to leave a comment below. There is also a site refresh and server move in the works to bring it up to modern standards. A lot of elements on this site are very old and need to be refreshed. After that, it’ll basically be full speed ahead with FATXplorer v3 development. It’s taken longer than it should have, mostly due to real-life obligations, but I look forward to delivering another quality release.

If you want to help out, send some original Xbox HDD dumps my way: Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates! Hello everyone, a quick update for you: The site has just been updated to include full HTTPS support. It was previously only used on select pages, such as the contact form, but as the world continues to push towards a more secure Internet, it was time for FATXplorer to join in completely. Advanced security features such as (with preloading) and will also be implemented very soon after careful testing. Update: Done It will take a little while to go through all links and images to fully get rid of mixed content warnings, so some pages may not display the green lock, yet. If any pages on the site look broken because of this change, please report them in the comments below.

Update: Mixed content warnings should be gone on all pages now. Hello everyone, if you are reading this, you are viewing the website on the new server! It’s not actually a server though, FATXplorer now runs in a cluster environment (also known as “cloud hosting”).

The same technology powering Microsoft’s Azure now powers FATXplorer. This is important for several reasons:. Downtime should be nonexistent. You may have noticed a lot of downtime over the past few months. This was not the fault of FATXplorer, but the declining quality in the previous host’s servers. All of the latest technologies are available for development.

The previous host wasn’t really keeping things up to date. It costs less overall. Just so you know, the initial downtime this past week was not caused by the server migration. Something happened on the previous host’s server and every time the host fixed the problem, a new one would appear. Things weren’t getting better, so the migration, initially scheduled for early summer, was executed immediately. Downtime wasn’t planned, but unfortunately, the unstable server on the previous host didn’t make things easy.

With the website now stable, work will soon resume on the FATXplorer v3.0 beta. Customers (and those who have shown interest) will be sent an email about the beta when it’s ready.

It’ll be a major improvement over v2.5 and planning is underway for a website redesign to go with the v3.0 launch. Thank you for reading. There may be sporadic downtime over the next few days while work is being done on parts of the site, but major downtime should be a thing of the past.

If you notice anything broken or something that looks off, please leave a comment on this post. Lastly, Arvixe web hosting is no longer recommended. Hello everyone, it’s been quiet lately so here’s an update! There’s several topics to cover: 1. Windows 10 You probably see the post below this warning about possible risks when using Windows Integration on Windows 10. There are now plenty of customers using FATXplorer on Windows 10, and no issues have been reported. You might run into small Explorer glitches, which will be fixed in the upcoming driver update, but it’s perfectly safe to use otherwise.


Web Host Over the past few months there has been a noticeable increase in site slowness and errors. Recent investigation uncovered the hosting company that hosts this website was bought out by a rather evil corporation, and the quality of service has dropped dramatically. FATXplorer will be moving to a more reliable host in the beginning of 2016.

If you are curious about what happened,. FATXplorer Update Unfortunately there are some tech/workstation issues at the office right now, and work on the next update is temporarily suspended. The issues are still being worked out to ensure a quality update can be produced, and you can probably still expect it to come out early next year.

Special thanks to all the people who have requested to help with original Xbox drive support! You will be contacted when something is ready. M e r r y C h r i s t m a s t o a l l! FATXplorer has not been tested on Windows 10 yet.

If you are running Windows 10, use FATXplorer’s Windows Integration at your own risk. There is a risk of it not working properly.

Every other feature should work perfectly fine, however. A driver update is in development to bring full Windows 10 compatibility for Windows Integration.

It will be bundled with a new version of FATXplorer when it is ready. In the meantime, research will soon begin on original Xbox HDD support. The goal is to release basic support with the Windows 10 version of FATXplorer. If you are looking forward to original Xbox HDD support, feel free to. Stay tuned for more updates!

There has been a sudden influx of people reporting an issue with the latest Minecraft update. It appears to be deleting a lot of peoples’ saved games and worlds. Are you having this problem? This post will help you recover that lost save file.

First things first, so they can fix their botched update. Open your storage device in the Recovery View. Third, browse to this folder: Content Partition: Content E folder 584111F7 00000001, where “E folder” represents the profile that owns the now-deleted saved game/world. Fourth, find the deleted file and recover it to your PC.

Fifth, close the Recovery View and open the Content View. Select “Add Content” and then select the recovered file. Last, load up the game and try to load your save/world. If it doesn’t say it is corrupt, you’re good to go! If it says it IS corrupt, sorry, but it’s lost forever.

If you need further assistance or the above instructions don’t make sense to you, leave a comment below. Please only post a comment on this post so other people having this problem will be able to view any additional steps.

Hello everyone, today I bring you a small update to v2.5.3 that was published not so long ago. The update is live at the time of this post. The purpose of this update is to fix a few more bugs and to address the latest Xbox 360 system update. In case you haven’t noticed, v2.5.3 was released back in March with a lot more changes. If you aren’t upgrading from v2.5.3, please see the v2.5.3 release notes to see what else you can expect when you upgrade.

New USB Format Basic support/detection has been added. It really is basic – Integrate into Windows has been replaced with “Open Folder”. Open Folder will make sure your Content folder is not hidden and open Explorer right to your content for easy browsing. The Toolkit, Content, and Recovery views are not supported. The new USB format is not FATX, which is what these views were designed for. The Content View may be supported in a future update. Fixes.

Fixed a relatively rare bug that would cause FATXplorer to silently crash on startup. Additionally, a new check has been added to verify the existence of essential components to help explain why FATXplorer may not start up properly. With this in place, FATXplorer should rarely crash on startup, and in the rare event of it doing so, will give more information about what went wrong and how to fix it. Added handling for an extremely rare Windows issue where setting taskbar progress could cause a strange error message. v2.5.3 fixed a bug where the Content View would fail to add items with the Read-Only attribute set. This fix didn’t work for games on demand and other package types that use data files. The fix is now working for all package types.

Fixed a caching bug in Windows Integration – renaming a file or folder would update the file system metadata, but not the information stored in the cache. This could lead to very strange behavior in the integration session. Results as of June 9, 2015. Based on these results, here’s what is going to happen:. Original Xbox device support will be added in the next major update.

(Release date: TBD). The defragmenter will still be done, but there is no estimate when it will be available as it is a very complex feature and if it’s not designed properly, data loss could occur.

We don’t want that (-:. There appears to be little to no interest in a Mac/Linux version. Support for these systems is currently not planned as a result. It’s disappointing that USB features had to be removed so soon after a major revamp, but it’s good to see Microsoft finally allowing more flexible storage options for their customers.

FATXplorer customers had the ability to use 2 TB storage years before anyone else could! The next update is already planned!

Get the latest news. Hello everyone, today I bring you a fresh new FATXplorer update. The update is live at the time of this post and you may download it from the downloads section or using FATXplorer’s updater. The purpose of this update is to bring further stability to the previous version and to address various issues reported by customers. You will need to re-enter your serial number in this new version.

Usb Xplorer

Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is to address a compatibility issue. If you lost it, feel free to.

Fixes. Fixed a bug that could cause progress percentages to go into the negatives when extracting/adding large content items in the Content View. Fixed USB formatting bugs that could cause select USB devices to appear “Unformatted” on the Xbox 360 console. There may still be some cases of this problem, please report it if it happens to you so it can be investigated.

Fixed a bug that caused FATXplorer to not recognize XDK HDDs formatted with recoveries that have a QFE of 0. Fixed a device renaming bug in the Device Information tool in the Toolkit View. Fixed a bug that would cause an error message in various places if deleted items had a certain file name, such as browse.dat.

Usb Xtaf Xplorer Download For Mac Windows 10

Fixed a bug where the Content View failed to add files that have the Read-Only attribute set. You no longer have to remove the Read-Only attribute on content items you want to add. Some people may have been asked to downgrade the Windows integration driver only to find out that the downgrade procedure doesn’t actually work. This was an incorrect design and should no longer occur. Enhancements. DashLaunch USB patches have been phased out in favor of a new xeBuild patch system. You can now build pre-patched nand images.

This is better than DashLaunch patching because you don’t have to worry about the kxam.patch file, and you can have USBs connected on boot! The new patch system has been well-tested, is easier to use, and just works better.

The Console USB Patcher has been revamped to utilize this new patch format. Device detection has been improved. Improved flexibility of the USB formatter’s size configuration boxes.

You can now enter values in the KB, MB, and GB boxes that can reach up to 2 TB. A lot of people were mistakenly using FATXplorer’s Backup & Restore feature to transfer content between drives. Since this ruins the destination drive’s Xbox 360 compatibility due to the Security Sector being overwritten with the source drive’s, a check has been added to make sure, during restoration, that the Security Sector in the backup file matches what is on the drive that the backup is being restored to, and a check has been added to make sure the backup file size is the same as the disk size. If a USB with a 4K sector size is found in the USB formatter, FATXplorer will now display additional information that explains why it can’t be formatted. A lot of modern, large USBs come with 4K sector sizes, and the Xbox 360 OS doesn’t support them, so FATXplorer will now explain this to avoid confusion. Added a check box to the Devices tab: Device detection diagnostic logging. This determines whether detailed information about the device detection process is saved to DDDiagnostics.txt.

You can use this output to diagnose problems with device detection. The Windows Integration driver has been updated to fix several internal issues. You will need to update the driver, you’ll see an alert box when you open FATXplorer. Breaking Changes FATXplorer is now built on.NET Framework v4.5.2.

This is important because, as a result of this change, FATXplorer will no longer work on Windows XP. FATXplorer now requires at least Windows Vista, but Windows 7 or 8 are recommended for the best experience. If you are an existing customer, have Windows XP, and are in desperate need of a fix or enhancement this version provides, please send in a support request and a custom version can be prepared for you that will still work on Windows XP. Please only do this if you have no Windows upgrade options. Windows XP is no longer secure and it would be in your best interest to upgrade to Windows 7 or 8. If you aren’t sure if you have.NET Framework v4.5.2, you can download it and the installer will install it if it’s missing. Windows 10 compatibility & Price Change If you are or will be using a pre-release version of Windows 10, FATXplorer should work fine on it, but you should refrain from using Windows Integration.

Usb Xplorer 360 Download

The driver is not made for Windows 10 and may crash your OS, corrupt your file data, or just not work at all. Use Windows Integration at your own risk.

All other FATXplorer features should work fine, though. FATXplorer & the HDD Recovery Service have a new low price! A FATXplorer license is now $25, and the Recovery Service is now $15.

This price change was made a few weeks ago, and is permanent. Contact Form Fail There has been an issue with the contact form this week. This also carried over to the recovery service form. It should be fixed now. If you did not get a response to your message, please re-send it now. Download Stats On June 4, 2013, a download counter was implemented to get an idea of how many times FATXplorer was downloaded per day and in which countries it is most popular.

At the time of writing, FATXplorer has been downloaded 47,415 times from people all over the world! If you’re curious about the full statistics, check them out here: Enjoy the update! Expect a bigger one later this year. Hi everyone, I just stumbled upon an. For those who aren’t tech-minded,.NET is what FATXplorer runs on and is the main reason it won’t work on Mac and Linux –.NET only runs on Windows operating systems. Based on that article it seems like Microsoft will be pushing to make the.NET Framework run on Mac and Linux. Assuming everything will work like it does on Windows, this may open the door to a Mac and Linux version of FATXplorer. I have had several requests for a Mac version, and in 2015, perhaps the answer will no longer be no.

(-: I will be monitoring this closely and experiment with it when possible to see what can be done. I’ll make sure to post updates on any progress on a Mac or Linux version.


2.5.3 The next FATXplorer update will probably come early 2015. I have been working on an unrelated, internal project for some time, but I feel as though it will soon enter a reasonably-completed stage, and give me time to finish the next FATXplorer update. It’ll have a lot of improvements and various fixes for issues reported by customers. V2.5.2 remains an exceptionally stable version, and it’s great that only minor issues have been reported since its release in February 2013. FATXplorer v2.5.3 will not be Windows XP compatible, so let this be your advanced warning to get your PC updated.

FATXplorer will support Windows 7 and newer when v2.5.3 releases. My commitment to FATXplorer is ongoing, and while updates are often far apart, the end result is always a quality release.

Xbox One FATXplorer I have had several questions if FATXplorer will support Xbox One storage devices. The answer is currently no, and here is why: 1. The internal hard-drive is formatted NTFS. This means that if you take out the drive and connect it to your PC, Windows will automatically load everything for you.

External drives are very similar to the internal hard-drive: NTFS formatted. You can connect an Xbox One external drive to your PC, Windows will load everything for you. Even if Xbox One external/internal drives were formatted using a custom file system, there is currently little reason you would need to access them. Game saves are all stored in the Microsoft cloud, and locally cached copies are encrypted, likely with a per-box key, so FATXplorer would serve little purpose as a backup tool. Installed games are encrypted and tamper-proof.

Based on the above reasons, a version of FATXplorer for Xbox One doesn’t make sense at this time. That’s all for now! Enjoy the rest of 2014!

XBox 360 Commander rev 19 download id=“106″ popup menu for right click new folder, delete, rename, extract tree now shows drive model name fixed a bug in the check hard drive. Xtaf Explorer Gui download id=“107″ This is new version of the GUI injecting, extracting, renaming, deleting is working It will be buggy, but tell me what you think abaut it. Log is not working atm.

360 Flash Tool Devkit Edition download id=“108″ So whats supported? – Extract SMC. – Extract SB/SC/SD/SE Sections. – Decompress HV/Kernel images.

– Extract KV (If you have the correct CPU key) – Extract filesystem. So basicly you get a few decrypted bootloaders a HV/Kernel and the FlashFS files. USB FATX Explorer download id=“109″ Explore and Extract 1gb and less images straight from the drive. Create an image up to 16 gb and explore and extract. If your drive is over 1gb, create an image and you can open and extract from it. I want to see how you guys like it, if all is good I will continue to update.

One of my testers reported a random occurrence where the app crashed when creating an image. Couldn’t get it to do it in my debugger so has been ignored until I can get it to do it on my PC. Planned: Full FATX Control, overwrite, add, remove, etc.

Restore an image to a USB image. Other things that I cant think of atm.