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Quickly Delete Albums In Photos For Mac

  1. Delete Album Photos Mac 10.13.6
  2. Quickly Delete Albums In Photos For Mac 2017

Delete Album Photos Mac 10.13.6

If you used iPhoto before it was Photos, then you probably have a lot of old albums which were automatically created that don't mean anything to you. This can make finding your stuff a bit more difficult. The issue dates back to a feature that was introduced in iPhoto called 'events.' This was a 'smart feature' (debatable) which organized your photos taken around a similar time/location into automatic groups. When you migrated your iPhoto library over to what is now Photos, those events were translated into albums. If you were to delete them one at a time, you're looking at hours of work.

Quickly Delete Albums In Photos For Mac 2017

Here's a trick to quickly remove them in seconds and clean up your Photos library. Want to take a private lesson with David? Book online at Check out my (much fuller) class on how to Organize Your Mac's Photos Library: Thanks for watching. Be sure to leave a comment, like, and share!