Quickly Delete Albums In Photos For Mac
Delete Album Photos Mac 10.13.6
If you used iPhoto before it was Photos, then you probably have a lot of old albums which were automatically created that don't mean anything to you. This can make finding your stuff a bit more difficult. The issue dates back to a feature that was introduced in iPhoto called 'events.' This was a 'smart feature' (debatable) which organized your photos taken around a similar time/location into automatic groups. When you migrated your iPhoto library over to what is now Photos, those events were translated into albums. If you were to delete them one at a time, you're looking at hours of work.
Quickly Delete Albums In Photos For Mac 2017
Here's a trick to quickly remove them in seconds and clean up your Photos library. Want to take a private lesson with David? Book online at Check out my (much fuller) class on how to Organize Your Mac's Photos Library: Thanks for watching. Be sure to leave a comment, like, and share!